In Romeo and Juliet, which of the following words could not be used to describe the Nurse?

a. fickle***
b. jocund
c. sullen
d. piteous

I believe you are right. She's very loyal to Juliet.

The word "fickle" could not be used to describe the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet.

To determine which word could not be used to describe the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet, we need to analyze the character of the Nurse and the meanings of the words provided.

The Nurse in Romeo and Juliet is depicted as a rather caring and affectionate character. She acts as a mother figure towards Juliet, providing support and guidance. With that in mind, let's look at the provided words:

a. Fickle: This word means changing frequently in loyalty or affection. While the Nurse may have her moments of indecisiveness, this word is not entirely appropriate to describe her.

b. Jocund: This word means cheerful and lighthearted. The Nurse is often portrayed with a sense of humor and joviality, so this word could be used to describe her.

c. Sullen: This word means bad-tempered or gloomy. The Nurse is generally not portrayed as sullen, as she exhibits warmth and affection towards Juliet. Therefore, this word could not be used to describe her.

d. Piteous: This word means deserving or arousing pity. The Nurse is shown as a sympathetic character and demonstrates concern for Juliet's well-being. Hence, this word could be used to describe her.

Therefore, the word that could not be used to describe the Nurse in Romeo and Juliet is c. sullen.