If M<6 if m<1= 43 degrees

there must be more to this.

The answer is no soultion

To find the value of M when m<1 is 43 degrees and M<6 is less than 6, we need more information or conditions. If there are no additional conditions or angles given, then we cannot determine the exact value of M.

However, if there is a relationship or condition between angle m<1 and angle M<6, we can use that information to solve for M. For example, if it is given that M<6 is supplementary to m<1, we can use the fact that the sum of two supplementary angles is 180 degrees.

Here's an example of how you could solve the problem if M<6 and m<1 are supplementary angles:

Given: M<6 + m<1 = 180 degrees
m<1 = 43 degrees

Substituting the value of m<1 into the equation, we get:
M<6 + 43 = 180

Now we can solve for M<6:
M<6 = 180 - 43
M<6 = 137 degrees

Therefore, if M<6 and m<1 are supplementary angles, and m<1 is 43 degrees, then M<6 would be 137 degrees.

It's important to note that without additional information or conditions, we cannot determine the exact value of M<6.