Julie wants to have a 90 average in her math class at the end of the year. She is trying to determine what she needs to make on her final exam for this to work. Everything is weighted equally and she currently has a 85 for her quiz average, a 80 for her homework average, a 92 for her test average, and a 98 for her project average. What does she need to make on her final exam for her to end up with a 90 in the class?

95 is the answer

(85 + 80 + 92 + 98 + x)/5 = 90


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To determine what Julie needs to make on her final exam to achieve a 90 average in her math class, we need to calculate the weighted average of all her grades, including the final exam.

Step 1: Calculate the current average:
Julie's current average can be calculated by finding the average of her quiz, homework, test, and project grades. Since all categories are weighted equally, we can sum the averages and then divide by the number of categories.

Current average = (quiz average + homework average + test average + project average) / 4
= (85 + 80 + 92 + 98) / 4
= 355 / 4
= 88.75

Julie's current average is 88.75.

Step 2: Calculate the average with final exam:
Let's assume Julie needs an 'x' grade on her final exam to achieve a 90 average. We can calculate the weighted average with the final exam.

90 = (88.75 * 4 + x) / 5
450 = 355 + x
x = 450 - 355
x = 95

Julie needs to make at least 95 on her final exam to achieve a 90 average in her math class.