Determine the size of the pasture by measuring its approximate length and width.One large step is approxinately one metre.

Multiply the width by the length, whether in metres, yards, feet, or any measurement system.

To determine the size of the pasture, you can use the formula for the area of a rectangle, which is length multiplied by width. In this case, since you are given the approximate length and width in terms of steps of one meter, you can simply multiply these two values to get the area of the pasture.

For example, let's say the approximate length of the pasture is 30 steps and the approximate width is 20 steps. To find the size of the pasture in square meters, you would multiply 30 steps by 20 steps, which equals 600 square steps.

Since each step is approximately one meter, the area of the pasture would be 600 square meters.

Therefore, the size of the pasture is approximately 600 square meters.