an item is $125, but it's going on sale for $81.25. what is the percentage of the discount?

(125-81.25)/125 = 0.35 = 35%

You needed this for homework bro I needed this for my test

thanks past people i needed this for my math homework

Same here!

To calculate the percentage of the discount, you can use the following formula:

Discount percentage = [(Original price - Sale price) / Original price] x 100

In this case, the original price of the item is $125, and the sale price is $81.25. Plugging these values into the formula:

Discount percentage = [(125 - 81.25) / 125] x 100
Discount percentage = [43.75 / 125] x 100
Discount percentage = 35 x 100 / 125
Discount percentage = 2800 / 125
Discount percentage = 22.4

Therefore, the percentage discount for the item is 22.4%.