7.)During the exchange of air in your lungs, your body seeks to keep oxygen and release ____________which will then exit your body

B.)Carbon Dioxide

There is no D listed. In any case, what is your answer? I'll check it.

What do you think the answer is? :)


No, the correct answer would be B, carbon dioxide.


The correct answer is B) Carbon Dioxide.

During the process of respiration, oxygen is taken in by the lungs and transferred to the blood, while carbon dioxide is released from the blood and expelled from the body through exhalation.

To understand this concept, it is helpful to have a basic understanding of the respiratory system and the process of respiration.

The respiratory system consists of organs such as the lungs, nose, and diaphragm that work together to facilitate the exchange of gases between the body and the environment.

When we breathe in, we inhale air rich in oxygen through our nose or mouth. This air travels down the trachea and enters the lungs. Within the lungs, oxygen is transferred from the air sacs (alveoli) into the bloodstream.

At the same time, carbon dioxide, which is a waste product produced by the body's cells, is transported from the blood into the alveoli. Carbon dioxide then diffuses from the alveoli into the airways, and is ultimately exhaled out of the body.

So, during this exchange of air in your lungs, your body seeks to keep oxygen and release carbon dioxide, which will then exit your body.