a string of decorative lights is 28 feet long. The first light on the string is 16 inches from the plug if the lights on the string are space 4inches apart how many lights are there on the string

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To find out how many lights are there on the string, we need to determine the total distance covered by the lights and then divide it by the spacing between the lights.

First, let's convert the length of the string and the spacing from feet to inches for consistency:
- String length = 28 feet * 12 inches/foot = 336 inches
- Spacing between lights = 4 inches

Next, we need to subtract the distance from the first light to the plug from the total string length to get the distance covered by the lights. Then we can divide this distance by the spacing between the lights to find the number of lights on the string.

Distance covered by the lights = Total string length - Distance from first light to plug
Distance covered by the lights = 336 inches - 16 inches = 320 inches

Number of lights = Distance covered by the lights / Spacing between lights
Number of lights = 320 inches / 4 inches = 80 lights

Therefore, there are 80 lights on the string.