A purple-and-blue spinner landed on purple on 6 out of 12 spins. Based on experimental probability, how many of the next 20 spins would you expect to land on purple?

6/12 = 10/20


To determine how many of the next 20 spins you would expect to land on purple, you need to use the experimental probability from the previous 12 spins.

In this case, the spinner landed on purple 6 out of 12 spins. Therefore, the experimental probability of landing on purple can be calculated by dividing the number of times it landed on purple (6) by the total number of spins (12):

Experimental Probability = Number of times it landed on purple / Total number of spins
Experimental Probability = 6 / 12
Experimental Probability = 0.5

The experimental probability of landing on purple is 0.5 or 50%.

To find out how many of the next 20 spins you would expect to land on purple, you can multiply the experimental probability by the number of spins:

Expected Number of Purple Spins = Experimental Probability * Number of Spins
Expected Number of Purple Spins = 0.5 * 20
Expected Number of Purple Spins = 10

Based on the experimental probability, you would expect 10 out of the next 20 spins to land on purple.