At the last school pep rally 3 out of every 7 students wore school colors. Based on this information, if 350 students attend the next pep rally how many of these students will wear school colors?

At the last school pep rally, 3 out of every 7 students wore school colors. Based on this information, if 35 students attend the next pep rally, how many of these students will wear school colors?

3/7 * 350 = ?

To find out the number of students who will wear school colors at the next pep rally, we need to calculate the fraction of students who wear school colors and apply it to the total number of students attending.

Step 1: Find the fraction of students who wear school colors.
Given that 3 out of every 7 students wear school colors, the fraction can be expressed as 3/7.

Step 2: Calculate the number of students who will wear school colors.
To determine how many students will wear school colors out of the 350 attending the next pep rally, multiply the fraction calculated in Step 1 by the total number of students:
(3/7) * 350 = 150 students.

Therefore, if 350 students attend the next pep rally, approximately 150 of these students will wear school colors.