Graysen has a green number cube and a white number cube. the faces of the cubes are numbered 1 through 6. Graysen will roll each cube one time, what is the probability that the green cube will land with even number face up and the white cube will land with a number greater than 2 face up

And so we will multiply the two probabilities

green even 3/6 or 1/2

white greater than 2 4/6 or 2/3

probability is 1/2 times 2/3 = 2/6 or 1/3 or as a decimal .333

To find the probability, we need to first determine the number of favorable outcomes and the total number of possible outcomes.

Let's start with the favorable outcomes:
For the green cube to land with an even number face up, we have three possibilities: 2, 4, or 6.

For the white cube to land with a number greater than 2 face up, we have four possibilities: 3, 4, 5, or 6.

To determine the total number of possible outcomes, we need to consider that both cubes are being rolled. Since each cube has 6 faces, the total number of outcomes for each cube is 6.

For the two cubes combined, the total number of outcomes would be 6 * 6 = 36.

Now, since we want the probability of both events happening (green cube lands with an even number face up and white cube lands with a number greater than 2 face up), we multiply the number of favorable outcomes for each event (3 * 4).

The total number of favorable outcomes is 3 * 4 = 12.

Therefore, the probability is given by the ratio of the number of favorable outcomes to the total number of possible outcomes:
Probability = Favorable outcomes / Total outcomes = 12 / 36 = 1/3.

So, the probability that the green cube will land with an even number face up and the white cube will land with a number greater than 2 face up is 1/3.