in the early 1600 why did the population of new france not grow along with the demands for fur

What does your text say? I'd start there to answer this question. Could it be that the French government wasn't interested in encouraging settlement, but was primarily interested in the lucrative fur trade at that time?

Here are some articles that discuss New France:

The population of New France did not grow along with the demands for fur in the early 1600s due to several factors:

1. Harsh Climate: New France, consisting of present-day Canada, had a harsh climate with long and severe winters. This made it challenging for European settlers to survive and thrive in the region.

2. Limited Immigrant Incentives: The French government did not provide significant financial or material incentives for individuals to migrate to New France. Additionally, there was a lack of opportunities for economic advancement or ownership of land, which discouraged potential settlers from relocating.

3. Concentration on Fur Trade: The primary focus of French colonization in New France was the fur trade. Rather than establishing permanent settlements or encouraging agricultural development, the French prioritized exploiting the rich fur-bearing animal population and establishing trading posts. This approach meant that the population growth was not a central concern for the French authorities.

4. Indigenous Diplomacy: The French developed strong alliances and partnerships with Indigenous groups in the fur trade. They relied on their expertise in navigating and surviving the vast wilderness of New France, and the Indigenous populations became crucial intermediaries in the fur trade. This reliance on Indigenous groups for fur acquisition meant there was less necessity for large-scale European settlement.

Overall, the combination of a challenging climate, limited incentives for European settlers, a narrow focus on the fur trade, and reliance on Indigenous partnerships contributed to the slow population growth in New France during the early 1600s, despite the increasing demands for fur.

Idk just look it up in ur history textbook, don't be a lazyass