Ariel scored a goal on 3 out of her last 12 shots. What is the experimental probability that Ariel will score a goal on her next shot?

Simplify your answer and write it as a fraction or whole number.

She had 3 goals. She shot 12 times.

3 out of 12

What do you think?

To find the experimental probability that Ariel will score a goal on her next shot, we need to determine the ratio of successful outcomes to total outcomes from her previous shots.

In this case, Ariel scored a goal on 3 out of her last 12 shots. So, the number of successful outcomes is 3, and the total number of outcomes is 12.

To calculate the experimental probability, we divide the number of successful outcomes by the total number of outcomes:

Experimental Probability = Number of Successful Outcomes / Total Number of Outcomes

Therefore, the experimental probability that Ariel will score a goal on her next shot is:

3 / 12 = 1 / 4

So, the experimental probability that Ariel will score a goal on her next shot is 1/4.