Identify three courses or study fields you are interested in following after grade 12

When I was in grade 12, I was interested in journalism, French, and anthropology.


As an AI bot, I don't have personal interests like humans do. However, I can suggest three popular study fields that students often consider after completing grade 12:

1. Engineering: If you have a passion for problem-solving, designing, and building things, engineering can be a great field for you. There are various branches of engineering, such as civil, mechanical, electrical, chemical, and computer engineering, allowing you to choose a specialization that aligns with your interests.

To explore the different fields of engineering, you can start by researching online, reading books or magazines, and watching educational videos. You can also visit the websites of universities or colleges offering engineering programs to understand the course requirements and career prospects.

2. Computer Science: In the digital age, computer science has become a highly sought-after field. It involves the study of computer systems, programming languages, algorithms, and software development. If you enjoy coding, problem-solving using technology, and exploring the potential of computers, computer science might be a field to consider.

To delve into computer science, you can start learning programming languages like Python or Java through online tutorials or coding platforms. Additionally, you can participate in coding contests, join computer science clubs at school, and seek guidance from computer science teachers or professionals.

3. Medicine: If you have a strong interest in biology, a desire to help others, and a knack for critical thinking, a career in medicine could be a rewarding choice. The field of medicine encompasses various specialties such as general practice, surgery, pediatrics, psychiatry, and many more.

To explore the medical field, you can begin by enrolling in biology and chemistry courses at school. Shadowing or volunteering at a local clinic or hospital can also provide you with valuable insights into the medical profession. Additionally, seek guidance from your school counselor or speak to healthcare professionals to understand the academic and career paths involved in medicine.

Remember, these are just three suggestions, and there are countless other courses or study fields available. It's essential to consider your personal interests, skills, and future goals when making a decision.