Susan tossed a die 1,038 times. Which of the following would be a good estimate of the number of times she got the number 3 on the die?

Can someone please help and explain this to me?

Each die has 6 sides, so the chance of rolling a 3 is 1 out of 6 on one try.

Take it from there.

so is it 1/6*1038?

Yes! :-)

To estimate the number of times Susan got the number 3 on the die, you can use the concept of probability.

The die has 6 sides, numbered from 1 to 6. Since there is an equal chance of getting any number from 1 to 6, we can assume that the probability of getting a 3 on a single roll is 1/6.

To estimate the number of times Susan got a 3 in 1,038 rolls, we can multiply the probability of getting a 3 on a single roll (1/6) by the total number of rolls (1,038).

So, the estimate would be (1/6) * 1,038 = 173.

Now, let's look at the provided options:
A: 186
B: 128
C: 306
D: 273

Since our estimated value is 173, the option closest to this is option A: 186.