The scale of a map is given as 1:40000000. Two cities are 4 cm apart on the map.Find the actual distance between them.



To find the actual distance between the two cities, we can set up a proportion using the scale of the map.

The given scale is 1:40000000, which means that 1 centimeter on the map represents 40,000,000 centimeters in the real world.

Let's represent the actual distance between the two cities as "x" centimeters.

Now we can set up the following proportion:

1 cm on the map / 40,000,000 cm in the real world = 4 cm on the map / x cm in the real world

Using cross-multiplication, we can solve for "x":

1 * x = 4 * 40,000,000

x = 160,000,000 cm

Therefore, the actual distance between the two cities is 160,000,000 centimeters.

Multiply by 4 to get your answer.

The scale of a map is given as 1:40000000 two cities are 4cm apart on the map. Find the actual distance between them.
