I can only use numbers 0-9 , and only 1 time. The question is, an even 2 digit number with the sum of the digits equal to 15 and the tens place less than 9


but it said the tens digit is less than 9, your is 9

how about 78?

To find an even two-digit number with the sum of the digits equal to 15 and the tens place less than 9, you can use a systematic approach.

Start by considering all possible values for the tens digit from 0 to 8 (since it needs to be less than 9). For each value of the tens digit, find the corresponding units digit that satisfies the given conditions.

Let's go through the steps together:

Step 1: Start with the tens digit. Since it needs to be less than 9, begin with 8 and count backward to 0.

- When the tens digit is 8, the sum of the digits is 15, so the units digit needs to be 15 - 8 = 7. Therefore, the number is 87.

Step 2: Check if the number is even. In this case, 87 is not an even number, so it does not satisfy the condition.

Step 3: Repeat the process by considering the tens digit 7.

- When the tens digit is 7, the sum of the digits is 15. To find the units digit, subtract 7 from 15, which gives 8. Therefore, the number is 78.

Step 4: Check if the number is even. In this case, 78 is an even number, and it satisfies the given conditions.

Therefore, the answer is 78.

Remember, you can follow the same process using a systematic approach with any constraints or conditions for finding other numbers.