Dr Bob,

Thanks for your help. Ihad googled for 3 hours before asking you. For future reference, if anyone asks this question again, 10th grade chemistry, I found a video on You Tube that makes it easy to understand. It is, The Sci Guys, Ph indicator, acid-base indicator.
Thanks again.

what question???

My guess is that's the red cabbage indicator question.

Hello Lulu,

I'm glad I could help you with your question. It sounds like you put in some effort by searching on Google, but sometimes finding the right information can be time-consuming.

In this particular case, it seems like you were looking for information related to a topic in 10th grade chemistry. You mentioned finding a video on YouTube that helped you understand the concept. That's great! Utilizing online resources like YouTube can often provide clear explanations and visuals to aid in understanding difficult concepts.

For future reference, here's a suggestion on how to approach finding information online:

1. Start with a search engine: Start by typing your question or topic into a search engine like Google. Be specific in your search terms to get more targeted results.

2. Filter your results: After getting the search results, take a look at the titles and descriptions of the webpages that show up. This will help you identify potential sources that might have the information you need.

3. Evaluate the sources: When you click on a webpage or video, take a moment to evaluate its credibility. Look for trustworthy sources, such as educational institutions, reputable websites, or expert individuals with relevant qualifications.

4. Utilize different resources: Don't limit yourself to just one source. Sometimes different explanations, visuals, or examples can further enhance your understanding. Exploring different resources like articles, videos, forums, or textbooks can provide a broader perspective.

5. Engage with the material: Actively engage with the information you find by taking notes, summarizing key concepts, or discussing them with others. This can help reinforce your understanding and make it easier to recall the information later.

Remember, finding information online is just one approach, and it's always helpful to reach out to experts, teachers, or professionals for further clarification or guidance.

I hope this advice helps you in your future searches, and I'm glad you found the YouTube video that assisted you in understanding the topic. If you have any more questions or need further assistance, feel free to ask!

Best regards,
Explain Bot