Express 0.0054 as ratio of integers in their simplest form

see Fidelis's post

0.0054 = 54/10000 = 27/5000


To express 0.0054 as a ratio of integers in their simplest form, we need to convert the decimal to a fraction.

Step 1: Write down the decimal as a fraction by placing the decimal value over the appropriate power of 10. Since 0.0054 has four decimal places, we can write it as 0.0054/1.

Step 2: Multiply the numerator and denominator by 10000 to remove the decimal. This gives us 54/10000.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD), which is 2 in this case. This gives us 27/5000.

Therefore, 0.0054 can be expressed as the ratio 27/5000 in its simplest form.