1. Three student share 5 peaches equally. How many peaches does each student get?

Answer: 1 2/3

2. Six friends share 4 sandwiches equally. What fraction of a sandwich does each friend get?
Answer: 2/3

Please check the above two answers.

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They are both correct.

Thank you

You're welcome.


To check the above two answers, let's go through the calculations step by step.

1. Three students share 5 peaches equally:

To calculate how many peaches each student gets, we can divide the total number of peaches (5) by the number of students (3).

5 peaches / 3 students = 1.6667 (rounded to four decimal places)

In decimal form, this equals approximately 1.6667 peaches per student. To express this as a mixed number, we can write it as 1 2/3.

So, the answer for the first question is: Each student gets 1 2/3 peaches.

2. Six friends share 4 sandwiches equally:

Similarly, we can calculate the fraction of a sandwich that each friend gets by dividing the total number of sandwiches (4) by the number of friends (6).

4 sandwiches / 6 friends = 0.6667 (rounded to four decimal places)

In decimal form, this equals approximately 0.6667 sandwiches per friend. However, we want to express this as a fraction.

To convert the decimal to a fraction, we look at the decimal part, 0.6667, and recognize that it is a recurring decimal. By multiplying it by 10000, we can convert it to a fraction:

0.6667 * 10000 = 6667 / 10000

We can simplify this fraction by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 1:

6667 / 10000 = 667 / 1000

As a simplified fraction, this equals 2/3.

So, the answer for the second question is: Each friend gets 2/3 of a sandwich.

Therefore, the above two answers are correct:
1. Each student gets 1 2/3 peaches.
2. Each friend gets 2/3 of a sandwich.