name three greatest legacies the early/exploring/settling white Europeans in the new world left to the native americans?

European diseases that Native Americans had no immunity to, guns, and the horse.

Dispossession of their lands, confinement to reservations in the poorest possible areas, destruction of native cultures.

The question asks about the legacies left by early European settlers in the New World to Native Americans. While the impacts of European colonization on Native American communities are complex and varied, here are three significant legacies to consider:

1. Disease and depopulation: One of the most devastating consequences of contact with Europeans was the introduction of diseases, such as smallpox, measles, and influenza. Native Americans had no immunity to these diseases, and their populations experienced significant declines. It is estimated that diseases brought by Europeans were responsible for the death of millions of Native Americans, leading to profound demographic and cultural changes.

To find more information about the impact of diseases on Native American populations, you can search for scholarly articles, books, or reliable historical sources that discuss the depopulation caused by European diseases in the New World.

2. Land dispossession and forced removals: European settlers often sought to expand their territories, leading to land dispossession for Native American tribes. Through various means, including treaties, legal agreements, and sometimes military force, Europeans gradually acquired vast amounts of Indigenous lands. Native Americans were forced to leave ancestral lands, which led to loss of cultural connection to their territories and displacement from traditional ways of life.

To explore more about land dispossession and forced removals, you can research specific examples like the Trail of Tears (regarding the Cherokee Nation) or the Indian Removal Act of 1830 in the United States, or examine broader patterns of European colonization impacting Indigenous lands across the Americas.

3. Cultural assimilation and loss of autonomy: European colonization brought significant cultural changes and pressures on Native American societies. European powers imposed their languages, religions, and social norms on Indigenous peoples, often trying to assimilate them into European customs. This process resulted in the loss of Native languages, traditional practices, and self-governance systems, creating long-lasting impacts on Native American cultures.

To delve into further information about cultural assimilation, you can search for studies on the effects of European settlement on Native American languages, cultural practices, or the imposition of colonial institutions like boarding schools.

Remember, these three legacies are just a few examples, and there are many other important aspects to consider when examining the long-term impacts of European colonization on Native American communities.