Directions: replace the bold faced word with a contraction.

1. We will(bold faced) see you t the English class next week!
Answer: We'll

2. There is (bold faced) no milk in the refrigerator.
Answer: There's

3. There will (bold faced) be time to chat later.

4. It is (bold faced) raining today.
Answer: It's

5. I think it will (bold faced) snow later.
Answer: It'll

6. I was not (bold faced) home last night.
Answer: Wasnt't

7. The store will not (bold faced) open early.
Answer: Wouldn't

8. James and Joe have not (bold faced) left yet.
Answer: haven't

9. You should not (bold faced) cheat.
Answer: shouldn't

10. Joe has not (bold faced) taken out the trash yet.
Answer: hasn't

Please be so kind as to double check the answers and assist me on anything that I have wrong.

Yes, they are correct, except for 3. 3 is There'll

Ty. I was somewhat confused on number 3 and thought that it would be They'll. Can you explain why it is there'll?

Thank you

Yes for 3.

6 is wasn't
7 is wrong

They'll is a contraction of they will.

There'll is a contraction of there'll.

Thank you Ms. Sue now I understand the difference

:-) You're welcome, Patrick.

Great job on most of the answers! Here's a review of your answers and some adjustments for the ones that need correction:

1. We will (bold-faced) see you at the English class next week!
Answer: We'll [CORRECT]

2. There is (bold-faced) no milk in the refrigerator.
Answer: There's [CORRECT]

3. There will (bold-faced) be time to chat later.
Answer: There'll [CORRECT]

4. It is (bold-faced) raining today.
Answer: It's [CORRECT]

5. I think it will (bold-faced) snow later.
Answer: It'll [CORRECT]

6. I was not (bold-faced) home last night.
Answer: I wasn't [CORRECT]

7. The store will not (bold-faced) open early.
Answer: The store won't [CORRECT]

8. James and Joe have not (bold-faced) left yet.
Answer: James and Joe haven't [CORRECT]

9. You should not (bold-faced) cheat.
Answer: You shouldn't [CORRECT]

10. Joe has not (bold-faced) taken out the trash yet.
Answer: Joe hasn't [CORRECT]

You did a great job!