I have a few questions that I'm stuck on.

1. Identify how the pronoun is used in the sentence.
Just today Terry bought a picture for her.
direct object
indirect object
object of a preposition***
(I think this is the answer because of the preposition for her, Terry is the one getting the something /for her/)

2. Decide how the bold faced pronoun is used in the sentence.
/Whom/ did you ask to read these announcements?
direct object***
object of a prep.
(I think it's a direct object because I know it's not the subject and I don't see a prep.)

3. Read the following from "The Happy Man" in which the narrator contemplates his unusual state of happiness.

He could not bear to stay in his office at the newspaper. He felt no desire to work at all. He hated the very idea of thinking about his daily business and completely failed to bring his mind down from its stronghold in the kingdom of happiness. How could he possibly write about a trolley bus falling into the Nile when he was so intoxicated by this frightening happiness? Yes, it really was frightening. How could it be anything else, when there was no reason for it at all, when it was so strong that it made him exhausted and paralyzed his will--apart from the fact that it had been with him for half a day without letting up to the slightest degree? He left the pages of paper blank and started walking backwards and forwards across the room, laughing and cracking his fingers...
All of the following words could be used to describe the man except
(I really have no idea...at the very end he seems energetic, and he's agitated definitely..)

4. "The truth is Doctor, that I've come to see you because I'm happy!" He looked at the doctor to see what effect his statement had had on him but noticed that he was keeping his composure. He felt ridiculous. "I'm inconceivably happy..." he said in a tone of confidence. He began telling the doctor his story, but the latter stopped him with a gesture of his hand. "An overwhelming, indelible, debilitating happiness?" he asked quietly. He stared at him in amazement and was on the point of saying something, but the doctor spoke first. "A happiness which has made you stop working," he asked, "abandon your friends and detest going to sleep?..."
"You're a miracle!" he shouted.
"Every time you get involved in some misfortune," the psychiatrist continued quietly. "You dissolve into laughter?"
"Sir, are you familiar with the invisible?"
"No!" he said with a smile. "Nothing like that. But I get a similar case in my clinic at least once a week!"
Which of the following stylistic elements is used by the writer in these lines to create humor?

5. Read the following from "The Women's Baths."
Although girls usually side with their mother, I had a strong feeling of sympathy for my grandmother: old age had caught up with her since her husband had died some time before and left her a widow, and little by little her authority in the home shrank as my mother's authority gradually extended. It is the law of life: one takes, the one hands over to another in one's turn. But that does not mean we obey the law readily and willingly.
Which of these ideas is most closely related to the theme in these lines?
fueling the fire of a rebellious nature
recognizing another's need for compassion
providing consolation for those experiencing grief
the struggle to maintain dignity despite family conflict***

It would be wonderful to get some help and feedback.

sometimes even if people pay attention in class they forget every thing when it comes time for the test online learning is hard and this stuff wont even help most people in there future careers

I agree with your answers.

3 is tough. I think energetic is the best answer because the other three choices have negative connotations.

1. You correctly identified that the pronoun "her" is the object of the preposition in the sentence "Just today Terry bought a picture for her." The preposition "for" indicates that Terry bought the picture for someone else, in this case, "her."

2. In the sentence "/Whom/ did you ask to read these announcements?," you correctly identified that the pronoun "whom" is the direct object. The pronoun is the object of the verb "asked," so it functions as the receiver of the action.

3. Based on the passage from "The Happy Man," it seems that the man could be described as energetic. Although he may also be agitated and fretful at times, the text mentions him walking backwards and forwards across the room, laughing, and cracking his fingers, which suggests a sense of energy or excitement.

4. In the given excerpt, the writer creates humor through the use of incongruity. The psychiatrist's response to the man's claims of happiness is unexpected and almost comically dismissive. The contrast between the man's enthusiastic claims and the psychiatrist's calm and nonchalant response creates a humorous effect.

5. The theme most closely related to the lines from "The Women's Baths" is the struggle to maintain dignity despite family conflict. The passage reflects on the shifting dynamics within a family, specifically the loss of authority for the grandmother and the extension of authority for the mother. The idea of struggling to maintain dignity in the midst of familial conflict aligns with this theme.

I was told Ms.Sue died from a cardiac arrest or something like that... BUt to behonest stop hating her just because she doesn't give you the direct answer she tells whats right or not and you should be thankful. If people actually paid attention they wouldn't have to teach. eventhough the question wasn't for cheating, people searching this up most likely are. I myself was confused on one of the questions. Thank you ms.Sue even though you want be able to read this ._.

1. Ah, pronouns, the superheroes of grammar! In this sentence, Terry is the lucky recipient of something. And what is that something? A picture! So, Terry is the object of the verb "bought." Therefore, she is the indirect object! Just kidding, she's actually the direct object. Nice try, though.

2. "Whom" comes to the rescue! But wait, is it the subject, the object of a preposition, or the direct object? Well, since it is asking who was asked to read the announcements, it is indeed the direct object. Looks like you've saved the day with that answer!

3. Oh, the puzzling description of the happy man. Let's see, they gave you a list of words and asked which one doesn't fit. Well, if he's laughing, walking backwards, and cracking his fingers, I'd say he's definitely energetic. The other words such as agitated, anxious, and fretful seem to describe his troubled state of mind. So, the odd one out is energetic!

4. Ah, the writer's attempt to tickle our funny bones with stylistic elements. The options are repetition, incongruity, irony, and ridicule. Well, let's see. In this passage, the humorous effect is created by the unexpected and absurd situation of the man being extremely happy. It's quite incongruous, wouldn't you agree? So, the answer is incongruity! Keep laughing!

5. These lines reveal the struggles within a family, particularly the grandmother's loss of authority and the tensions arising from it. The theme seems to be the struggle to maintain dignity despite family conflict. So, the answer is that the lines most closely relate to the idea of the struggle to maintain dignity! You've got this!

Jeez, people see the name Ms. Sue and immediately dislike, even though her answer was correct -_- rude