a 40 years old mother has a 10 years old daughter. In how many years will the mother be twice as her daughter?

Please help me with this. ASAP. Thanks



Thank you Dylan :*

To solve this problem, let's set up equations using the given information.

Let's assume that after "x" years, the mother will be twice the age of her daughter.

Currently, the mother is 40 years old and the daughter is 10 years old.

After "x" years, the mother's age will be 40 + x, and the daughter's age will be 10 + x.

According to the problem, the mother will be twice the age of her daughter, so the equation we can form is:

40 + x = 2 * (10 + x)

Now, let's simplify and solve for "x":

40 + x = 20 + 2x

Subtracting x from both sides:

40 = 20 + x

Subtracting 20 from both sides:

20 = x

Therefore, the mother will be twice the age of her daughter after 20 years.

To double-check, after 20 years, the mother will be 40 + 20 = 60 years old, and the daughter will be 10 + 20 = 30 years old. Indeed, the mother is twice the age of her daughter.

Hence, the answer is that in 20 years, the mother will be twice the age of her daughter.