How did republican control of south carolina affect the state?

A. The Republicans improved relations between freedmen and white Southerns.
B. The Republicans kicked out carpetbaggers and scalawags.
C. The Republicans increased taxes and spending in order to rebuild after the Civil War. ****
D. The Republicans opened several schools to teach freedmen including the Penn school.

These are not the correct answers, !!!. The correct answers are as follows:

1. B

2. C

3. A

4. B

5. C

i need this answer too because I am taking a quiz on connections can u please tell me the correct answer if I had to guess it would be b but im not sure

Quizzes are designed to find out what you know, not what you need to cheat to find.

did u finish ur quiz yet bc I haven't

me neither... ugh

Thanks TZ is the zodiac killer. I got a 100

To understand how Republican control of South Carolina affected the state, you can look at the historical context and the policies enacted during this period. Here's how to find the answer:

1. Research the Reconstruction Era: The Republicans came into power in South Carolina during the period known as Reconstruction, which occurred after the Civil War (1861-1865). Understanding the goals and challenges of this era will provide essential background information.

2. Analyze Republican policies: Look specifically at the policies implemented by Republican leaders in South Carolina during their control. This will help evaluate the impact on the state.

3. Historical sources: Use primary sources such as government records, newspaper articles, and personal letters to examine the actions taken by Republican leaders in South Carolina. This will provide a firsthand account of their efforts and their effects on the state.

4. Comparisons: Analyze the state of South Carolina before and after Republican control. Compare socioeconomic indicators, political developments, and social dynamics to assess any significant changes.

Based on historical research, here are some possible effects of Republican control on South Carolina:

C. The Republicans increased taxes and spending in order to rebuild after the Civil War: Republican leaders recognized the need for economic recovery and invested in infrastructure projects and public services. This included funding for rebuilding efforts, such as repairing roads, bridges, and public buildings damaged during the war.

A. The Republicans improved relations between freedmen and white Southerners: Republican policies aimed to address the racial tensions and provide equal rights to freedmen, who were formerly enslaved African Americans. They worked towards creating a more inclusive society by promoting civil rights legislation and protecting the rights of freedmen.

D. The Republicans opened several schools to teach freedmen, including the Penn school: Education was a crucial aspect of Republican policies in South Carolina. They established schools to provide education to freedmen, who had previously been denied access to formal education. Institutions like the Penn School on St. Helena Island played a significant role in providing education and vocational training.

B. The Republicans kicked out carpetbaggers and scalawags: While it is true that many Republicans in South Carolina were critical of corrupt politicians (known as carpetbaggers and scalawags) who took advantage of the post-war situation for personal gain, it is important to note that this action may have been carried out by a faction within the Republican Party rather than a broad-based policy.

It is essential to conduct thorough research and consult multiple sources to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the impact of Republican control on South Carolina during Reconstruction.

I'm not that intimately familiar with local South Carolina history, so I don't know the correct answer.

Here's an overview of South Carolina's experience of Reconstruction and Restoration, but I don't know that it answers your question. If you aren't sure, re-read your text materials, too.

Yeah I'm doing a quiz for Connections too, and I don't know the answer...


1. B

2. A

3. D

4. B

5. C