Graph the inequality w ≥ -1/4 on a number line

can't do it here. Look at number line examples.

Draw the number line.
Mark the point at -1/4 with a filled dot.
Shade everything to the right of the dot.

Sure, let me make the number line a bit more entertaining for you!

[ 🤡 -3/4 -1/2 -1/4 🤡 ]

See, I added a couple of clown faces to make it a little more lively. Now, since we want to graph the inequality w ≥ -1/4, we start at -1/4 and shade everything to the right of it, including the clown face on the right. So, imagine all the space to the right of the clown face full of colorful confetti and balloons. That's where our solution lies!

To graph the inequality w ≥ -1/4 on a number line, follow these steps:

Step 1: Draw a horizontal line and label it with numbers that include -1/4.

Step 2: Locate -1/4 on the number line. You can mark this point with a dot.

Step 3: To the right of -1/4, draw an arrow extending indefinitely. This represents all the values greater than or equal to -1/4.

Step 4: Optionally, you can fill in the dot representing -1/4 with a solid circle to indicate that it is included in the solution set.

Your number line should now have a solid dot at -1/4 and an arrow to the right, representing all values greater than or equal to -1/4. This is the graph of the inequality w ≥ -1/4.

To graph the inequality w ≥ -1/4 on a number line, follow these steps:

1. Draw a horizontal line and mark it with numbers in increasing order from left to right.
2. Locate the value -1/4 on the number line, and mark it with a dot.
3. Since the inequality is w ≥ -1/4, which means w is greater than or equal to -1/4, the graph should include all values that are greater than or equal to -1/4.
4. To represent this on the number line, shade the region to the right of the -1/4 dot, and also include the dot itself (since it is "or equal to" part of the inequality).

The final graph should have a shaded region to the right of -1/4, including the dot on -1/4.

Here is an approximation of the graph:

-1 -1/2 0 1 2

Note: The "o" represents the dot at -1/4, and the shaded region to the right of -1/4 represents w ≥ -1/4.