A cheese pizza costs $5. Additional toppings cost $1.50 each. Write and graph an equation in two variables that represents the total cost of a pizza.


A cheese pizza costs $5. Additional toppings cost $1.50 each. Write an equation in two variables. What is the price of the pizza if you get pepperoni, bacon, ham, green peppers, onions, and pineapples?

The answer would be 5+1.5t

Step by step equation:
cost of cheese pizza: $5
additional toppings: $1.50 each
cost= c


To write an equation that represents the total cost of a pizza, let's define the variables:

Let "x" represent the number of additional toppings.
Let "y" represent the total cost of the pizza.

The initial cost of the cheese pizza is $5, and for each additional topping, the cost increases by $1.50. Thus, the equation representing the total cost of a pizza is:

y = 5 + 1.50x

To graph this equation, we can create a coordinate system with the x-axis representing the number of additional toppings and the y-axis representing the total cost.

On the graph, plot the points that correspond to the number of additional toppings and the associated total cost. For example, if there are 3 additional toppings, the equation becomes:

y = 5 + 1.50(3) = 5 + 4.50 = 9.50

So, when x = 3, y = 9.50. Plot this point on the graph.

Repeat this process for other values of x to plot additional points. Connect the points on the graph with a straight line, which represents the equation y = 5 + 1.50x.