5.Because of the Industrial Revolution, anyone could attain wealth. This event led to a change in the political development in the newly industrialized nations. This was evident in:

a.the rising middle class’s rejection of nationalism <<<<<
b.policies supporting the imperialistic movement
c.wealthy middle classes demanded more political power
d.a new voting population rejected a policy of expansion

That is not the best choice.

I think that's the best choice, yes.


To determine the correct answer to this question, we need to understand the effects of the Industrial Revolution on political development in newly industrialized nations.

The Industrial Revolution was a period of significant economic and social changes that occurred in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. It brought about the transition from hand production methods to machinery and the development of factories. As a result, there was a significant increase in production and wealth in many nations.

One of the most notable impacts of the Industrial Revolution was the emergence of a new social class known as the middle class. The middle class consisted of successful entrepreneurs, factory owners, and professionals who became wealthy through their involvement in industrialization.

Given this information, let's consider each answer choice:

a. The rising middle class's rejection of nationalism: During this time, the middle class became increasingly influential and demanded more political power. They sought to modernize society and often supported nationalist movements that aimed to unify their countries. Therefore, the rejection of nationalism by the rising middle class is unlikely and does not align with historical developments.

b. Policies supporting the imperialistic movement: While the Industrial Revolution did lead to imperialism, which involved colonizing and exploiting less industrialized regions, this answer choice suggests that newly industrialized nations supported imperialism. This is not an accurate representation of the historical context because the question specifically refers to the political development within the newly industrialized nations themselves, not their external actions.

c. Wealthy middle classes demanded more political power: This answer choice aligns with the historical context. As the middle class grew wealthier and gained influence during the Industrial Revolution, they sought to secure more political power for themselves. Their increased wealth and social status gave them the means to demand political rights, such as the right to vote and participate in governance.

d. A new voting population rejected a policy of expansion: While a new voting population may have had various political opinions, rejecting a policy of expansion specifically cannot be directly linked to the effects of the Industrial Revolution on political development. Expansion policies and the rejection of them could be influenced by multiple factors, so it is less likely that the specific rejection of expansion can be attributed solely to the Industrial Revolution.

Therefore, based on our analysis, the most plausible answer is c. Wealthy middle classes demanded more political power, as the rising middle class sought to assert their influence and secure political rights during the political development of newly industrialized nations.