Amy ran twice as many miles on Tuesday as she ran on Monday. Amy ran 2 mi on Monday.

What is the total number of miles that Amy ran on Monday and Tuesday

6 miles

Yes, she ran 6 miles in two days.

2 + (2 * 2) = ______ miles

is that correct?

To find the total number of miles Amy ran on Monday and Tuesday, we need to add the distances she ran on both days.

We know that Amy ran 2 miles on Monday. According to the information given, she ran twice as many miles on Tuesday as she ran on Monday.

To find out how many miles Amy ran on Tuesday, we multiply the distance she ran on Monday (2 miles) by 2.

2 miles * 2 = 4 miles

So Amy ran 4 miles on Tuesday.

Now, to find the total number of miles Amy ran on Monday and Tuesday, we can add the distances from both days:

2 miles (Monday) + 4 miles (Tuesday) = 6 miles

Therefore, the total number of miles Amy ran on Monday and Tuesday is 6 miles.