Martha is 15 years older than bob. the sum of their ages is 68. how old are they

Let Bob's age = x,

then Martha = x+15

x + (x+15) = 68

Solve for x, then x+15.

Bob's age= x

Martha's age= 15

. . 53+15=68

So Bobs age is 53 plus by Martha's
age which is 15 total sum of their age is 68

To find the ages of Martha and Bob, we can use algebraic equations. Let's assume that Bob's age is represented by x. According to the problem, Martha is 15 years older than Bob, so her age can be represented as (x + 15).

The sum of their ages is given as 68. So, we can write the equation as:

x + (x + 15) = 68

Now, let's solve this equation to find the value of x, which represents Bob's age:

2x + 15 = 68
2x = 68 - 15
2x = 53
x = 53 / 2
x = 26.5

Since x represents Bob's age, and we usually consider ages as whole numbers, we can conclude that Bob is 26 years old.

To find Martha's age, we can substitute the value of x back into our equation:

Martha's age = x + 15
Martha's age = 26 + 15
Martha's age = 41

Therefore, Bob is 26 years old, and Martha is 41 years old.