children received their schooling at home in many pre-industrial families, with the industrial revolution, more children attended formal schools.

which of the following statements best explains why this change in schooling developed?

(1)after the industrial revolution parents no longer worked in their homes.
(2)pre-industrial family members had special tasks at home and in the factories.
(3)more hands meant increased production.
(4)young children were unable to work in factories because their parents would not allow them to do so.
(5)the number of large families declined in the industrial revolution.

I wanna say the answer is #5 ???

Your answer doesn't make sense.

Go back and read about the industrial revolution and its impact on people.

okay Ms.Sue. I didn't get any material on the industrial revolution. its just this question. let me see if I can google the story !

To determine the best explanation for why more children attended formal schools after the industrial revolution, we should analyze each statement:

1) After the industrial revolution, parents no longer worked in their homes.
This statement is not directly related to the change in schooling. Whether parents worked in their homes or outside does not necessarily explain why more children started attending formal schools.

2) Pre-industrial family members had special tasks at home and in the factories.
While this statement implies that pre-industrial families had specific responsibilities, it does not specifically explain why more children attended formal schools during the industrial revolution.

3) More hands meant increased production.
This statement suggests that having more individuals available for work could lead to increased production. However, it does not directly explain the shift towards formal schooling for children.

4) Young children were unable to work in factories because their parents would not allow them to do so.
This statement highlights a possible reason why young children were not immediately sent to work in factories, but it does not fully explain the development of formal schooling during the industrial revolution.

5) The number of large families declined in the industrial revolution.
This statement suggests a possible explanation for the shift in schooling. If large families declined during the industrial revolution, it would have reduced the availability of additional household labor, leaving more children without work responsibilities and thus creating an opportunity for attending formal schools.

Based on the provided options, statement number 5, which suggests that the decline in large families during the industrial revolution might have contributed to the development of formal schooling, appears to be the best explanation. Therefore, your choice of option #5 is correct.