You and your friends want to rent a limo on prom night. The limo costs $75 per hour plus a $50 booking fee. You have $350 to spend. How many hours can you have the limo?

Yes, 4 hours

You can spend 4 hours

To determine how many hours you can have the limo, you need to find out how many hours you can afford with your budget of $350.

First, subtract the booking fee of $50 from your total budget:

$350 - $50 = $300

Now, you have $300 left to spend on actual limo rental hours.

Next, you need to divide the remaining amount by the cost per hour of the limo:

$300 / $75 = 4

Therefore, with a budget of $350, you can afford to have the limo for a maximum of 4 hours.

50 + 75h <= 350