which study fields I should take?

This isn't a question, more of you wanting someone else's opinion. Take whichever one your gut/heart desires, and don't fret on asking others.

whatever study field your heart desires. what do you think will make you happy to wake up to in the morning. what will make you love your job and your career choice? if you can see yourself happy with whatever it is then GO FOR IT :D

Deciding which study fields to pursue involves understanding your interests, strengths, and long-term goals. Here's a step-by-step process to help you make that decision:

1. Self-assessment: Begin by assessing your skills, interests, and values. What subjects do you enjoy? What activities or hobbies do you excel at? Consider your personal values and what kind of impact you want to make in the world.

2. Research career options: Explore various career paths related to your interests. Look into different industries, companies, and job prospects. Identify the skills and qualifications required for those fields.

3. Talk to professionals: Reach out to professionals who work in fields of interest to you. Conduct informational interviews to gain insights into their career path, daily responsibilities, and job satisfaction. This will help you evaluate if a particular field aligns with your goals.

4. Consider future trends: Look into emerging industries and technological advancements to anticipate future demand for certain skills. This can help you ensure that your chosen field will have growth opportunities.

5. Take courses and internships: Consider taking introductory courses or internships in the fields you are interested in. This will give you hands-on experience and help you determine if you enjoy the work.

6. Seek guidance: Consult with career counselors, mentors, or trusted advisors who can provide guidance based on your specific situation and aspirations. They can help you identify your strengths and match them with suitable study fields.

Ultimately, the choice of study fields will depend on your unique combination of interests, skills, values, and career goals. Keep in mind that your interests may evolve over time, so it's important to be open to new possibilities and adaptable to change.