Describe with appropriate examples the methods Hitler used in order to achieve his foreign policy aims prior to 1938.

First, read your text materials. This topic is undoubtedly covered there. This article gives a brief over-view of German foreign relations through it's history. Click on "Nazi era, 1933-1939" in the "Contents" box:

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To understand the methods Adolf Hitler used to achieve his foreign policy aims prior to 1938, we need to examine his actions and strategies during that period. Here are some key methods he employed:

1. Propaganda and Public Perception: Hitler and the Nazi regime relied heavily on propaganda to shape public opinion both within Germany and abroad. By controlling the media and using rallies, speeches, and posters, Hitler aimed to create a positive image of Germany and portray its expansionist policies as justified. For example, he used propaganda to support the remilitarization of the Rhineland in 1936, which violated the Treaty of Versailles.

2. Diplomatic Maneuvering: Hitler strategically exploited diplomatic opportunities to further his aims. One significant example of this was the remilitarization of the Rhineland. Capitalizing on a divided international response and exploiting perceived weaknesses in the French and British political leadership, he ordered German troops to enter the demilitarized zone.

3. Annexation and Expansion: Hitler sought to incorporate Germans living outside of Germany into the Third Reich. One notable example was the annexation of Austria, known as the Anschluss, in 1938. By leveraging the existence of a nationalist movement in Austria, Hitler coerced the Austrian government into accepting his demands. He then staged a plebiscite to legitimize the annexation.

4. Non-Aggression and Bilateral Agreements: Hitler skillfully crafted non-aggression and bilateral agreements with neighboring countries to secure his territorial ambitions. The Munich Agreement of 1938 is a prime example. Hitler persuaded British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain and French Prime Minister Édouard Daladier to allow Germany to annex the predominantly German-speaking Sudetenland region of Czechoslovakia. Diplomatically, this agreement temporarily prevented war and provided Hitler with a strategic advantage.

5. Exploiting Political Instability: Hitler exploited the political instability in other countries to advance his interests. For instance, following the Munich Agreement, Germany seized and occupied the remainder of Czechoslovakia in early 1939 after encouraging separatist sentiments among ethnic Germans in the Sudetenland.

It is important to recognize that these examples only scratch the surface of Hitler's methods. Studying additional historical documents, speeches, and analyses of this period will provide a more comprehensive understanding.