A 7(1/2)% strength solution has been prepared.

a) How many grams of medication are in the 7(1/2)% strength solution

how do I setup this question?

To set up this question, you need to understand that a 7(1/2)% strength solution means that there are 7(1/2) grams of medication in every 100 milliliters (ml) of the solution.

To find out how many grams of medication are in the solution, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the information given: The solution has a strength of 7(1/2)%, which means there are 7(1/2) grams of medication in every 100 ml of the solution.

2. Determine the quantity of the solution: If the question does not provide a specific volume of the solution, you may assume any quantity. For example, let's assume we have 200 ml of the solution.

3. Set up a proportion: Since we know that there are 7(1/2) grams of medication in 100 ml of the solution, we can set up a proportion to find the amount of medication in 200 ml of the solution:

(7(1/2) grams) / (100 ml) = (x grams) / (200 ml)

Note: In this proportion, "x" represents the amount of medication in 200 ml of the solution.

4. Cross-multiply and solve for x: Multiply the numerator of the first fraction by the denominator of the second fraction, and vice versa. Then, solve for x.

(7(1/2) grams) * (200 ml) = (100 ml) * (x grams)

Simplifying, we have:

7(1/2) * 200 = 100 * x

7(1/2) * 2 = x

15 = x

Therefore, there are 15 grams of medication in 200 ml of the 7(1/2)% strength solution.