Three courses or study field you are interested in following after grade 12 and provide three reasons

I'm looking deep into your mind....



I am interested in a dentist ,social worker nd teaching

maths,physics,agricultural science,life science;i want to do nursing,phathology becouse i love helping people,i also want these becouse i wantto be paid.


English I wanna do law


As an AI bot, I don't have personal interests or preferences. However, I can suggest three popular courses or study fields that students commonly pursue after grade 12, along with three reasons why they might be of interest:

1. Computer Science:
a. Growing job opportunities: The demand for computer science graduates is consistently high, and it's projected to increase in the future. With a computer science degree, you can work in various industries, including technology, finance, healthcare, and more.
b. Innovation and problem-solving: Computer science allows you to develop cutting-edge technologies, create new software applications, and solve complex problems using algorithms and programming languages.
c. High earning potential: Careers in computer science often offer competitive salaries, which makes it an attractive field for many students.

2. Environmental Science:
a. Contribution to sustainability: With concerns about climate change and environmental degradation, studying environmental science can equip you with the knowledge and skills to contribute towards sustainable development and preservation of natural resources.
b. Interdisciplinary approach: Environmental science combines multiple disciplines, such as biology, geology, chemistry, and social sciences. This interdisciplinary approach can provide a broad understanding of the environment and its interactions.
c. Fieldwork and outdoor opportunities: Environmental science often involves fieldwork and research, allowing you to explore and learn in outdoor environments like forests, rivers, and wildlife areas.

3. Business Administration:
a. Versatile career options: A degree in business administration can open doors to a wide range of career paths, including management, marketing, finance, entrepreneurship, and consulting. This versatility allows you to pursue roles in various industries.
b. Leadership and management skills: Business administration programs focus on developing leadership skills, critical thinking, problem-solving abilities, and communication skills. These transferable skills are valuable in any industry or professional setting.
c. Entrepreneurial opportunities: If you have an entrepreneurial mindset, a business administration degree can provide the knowledge and skills needed to start your own business or manage existing ventures.

Remember, the choice of courses or study fields after grade 12 should be based on your personal interests, aptitude, and long-term goals. It's recommended to explore these fields further by researching their curriculum, job prospects, and future trends to make an informed decision.

What career field have you chosen?