write a program that would prompt the user to enter an indefinite number of sales per day. display the total and average sales and display if the total sales is lower than $500 display "no profit" other display "profit was made

Put your SUBJECT in the correct box, not the name of your school.

I am not going to write the program for you, but do wonder how a total or average sales can be computed on a machine for an infinite number of sales. I even wonder how it could count those sales.

write a program that would prompt the user to enter an indefinite number of sales per day. display the total and average sales and display if the total sales is lower than $500 display "no profit" other display "profit was made

I know how to start it off but when I reach the cout... am lost
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()

To write a program that prompts the user to enter an indefinite number of sales per day and displays the total and average sales, as well as whether a profit was made, you can use a loop to continuously get input from the user until they choose to stop entering sales. Here's an example of how you can achieve this in Python:

# Initialize variables
total_sales = 0
num_sales = 0

# Loop to get sales input until user stops
while True:
sale = input("Enter the sales amount for the day (or 'quit' to stop): ")

# Check if user wants to stop entering sales
if sale.lower() == "quit":

# Convert input to float and add to total sales
sale = float(sale)
total_sales += sale
num_sales += 1

# Calculate average sales
average_sales = total_sales / num_sales if num_sales > 0 else 0

# Display total and average sales
print("Total sales: $", format(total_sales, ".2f"))
print("Average sales: $", format(average_sales, ".2f"))

# Check if profit was made
if total_sales < 500:
print("No profit was made.")
print("Profit was made.")

In this program, we use a `while` loop with an infinite condition (`while True`) to repeatedly prompt the user to enter sales amounts. Inside the loop, we check if the user input is equal to "quit" (ignoring the case) using `sale.lower()`. If so, we break out of the loop to stop entering sales.

If the user input is a numeric sales amount, it is converted to a float using `float(sale)` and added to the `total_sales` variable. We also keep track of the number of sales inputted in the `num_sales` variable.

After the loop, we calculate the average sales by dividing the `total_sales` by `num_sales`, but only if `num_sales` is greater than 0 (to avoid division by zero). If there were no sales entered, the average sales is set to 0.

Finally, we display the total and average sales using the `format` function to format the values with 2 decimal places. And based on the `total_sales`, we check if a profit was made (below $500 or not) and display the appropriate message.