Which of these questions can be answered through science?

What is the best water sport?
Why should we value honesty?
Why does water change into steam?
What is the most important thing in life?

is it c

You're right.

thx so much

You're very welcome.

Yes, the question "Why does water change into steam?" can be answered through science.

To find the answer, you would need to understand the properties of water and the concept of phase changes. Here's how you can go about finding the scientific explanation:

1. Define the question: "Why does water change into steam?" is asking for the scientific reason behind the transformation of water from a liquid state to a gaseous state.

2. Research phase changes: Start by learning about the different states of matter and the process of converting from one state to another. Find resources that explain the concept of phase changes, including evaporation and boiling.

3. Understand water's specific properties: Water has unique characteristics due to its molecular structure, which affect how it behaves when heated. Learn about water's boiling point, vapor pressure, and intermolecular forces to grasp why it changes into steam.

4. Explore energy transfer: Investigate how heat energy is involved in the phase change of water from liquid to gas. Learn about the energy required to break intermolecular bonds and the specific heat capacity of water—and how these factors contribute to the process.

5. Find scientific explanations: Seek out scientific theories, principles, and laws related to changes of state and water's behavior. Resources such as textbooks, scientific articles, and educational websites can provide more in-depth explanations.

By following these steps, you can gain a scientific understanding of why water changes into steam and find authoritative sources to support your answer.