This passage implies that women in Elisa’s time and place were

To understand the implications regarding women in Elisa's time and place, we would need to analyze the given passage. However, since you haven't provided a specific passage or more context, I cannot directly answer your question.

To analyze the implications regarding women in Elisa's time and place, you should carefully read the passage and pay attention to the surrounding details, themes, and character interactions. Look for any descriptions or dialogues that explicitly address the role of women, the societal norms, or any limitations placed on them. Consider the actions and motivations of female characters in relation to the male-dominated society portrayed.

By critically examining the text, you can identify cues that provide insights into the societal attitudes and conditions affecting women. It may also be helpful to research the historical and cultural context of the time and place in which the story is set to gain a better understanding of the position of women during that period.

Once you have gathered relevant information and made observations, you can draw conclusions about the implications regarding women in Elisa's time and place based on the evidence from the passage and any additional research.

I'm sorry, but you haven't provided me with a passage to analyze. Could you please provide the passage or specify the topic you would like me to discuss?

What passage??