Are all comic strips suppose to be made funny?

Because I have to make a comic strip for Spanish but I don't know if I'm suppose to make it funny because My teacher never said anything

Yes, the word "comic" generally means funny.

why do it mean funny

Comic strips are a versatile form of visual storytelling that can encompass a wide range of genres and themes, including humor. While many comic strips are indeed made to be funny and entertaining, not all comic strips have to be humorous. They can also explore serious topics, convey emotions, or provide social commentary.

To determine whether your comic strip for Spanish class should be funny or not, you can consider the purpose and requirements of the assignment. If your teacher did not specify that it has to be humorous, you might have the flexibility to choose the tone and content based on your own creative ideas.

If you're uncertain about the requirements, there are a few steps you can take:

1. Review the assignment prompt: Go over your instructions or assignment prompt carefully to see if there are any specific guidelines mentioned regarding the tone or content of the comic strip.

2. Consult your classmates: Reach out to your classmates to see if they have any additional information or clarifications about the assignment. It's possible that your teacher might have conveyed this information to them.

3. Ask your teacher for clarification: If you're still unsure, don't hesitate to ask your teacher directly for clarification. Seek a clear answer about whether your comic strip needs to be funny or whether you have the freedom to choose the tone.

Remember, the main objective of the assignment is to demonstrate your understanding of the Spanish language, so make sure your comic strip aligns with the language-learning goals of the class, whether it is funny or not.