
126.53 127.27 130 130.35 130.4 130.58
130.87 131.18 131.98 132.55 133.28 133.42
133.43 133.55 133.65 134 134.37 134.62
134.73 135 135.95 136.12 136.17 136.23
136.28 137.7 137.83 137.93 138.18 138.25
138.43 138.67 139.13 139.72 140.25 140.38
140.4 140.42 140.5 141.27 141.3 141.85
141.95 142.72 143.15 143.33 143.4 143.78
143.9 143.95 144.13 144.32 144.47 144.8
145.05 145.18 145.83 146.48 146.92 147.28
148.07 148.23 148.43 148.67 149.08 149.47
149.62 149.92 150.12 150.43 151.72 152.58
153.53 155.1 159.02 161.13 Use the Sampling Distribution for a Mean option in StatKey to create a sampling distribution using samples of size n equals 10 from Table 1 showing the number of minutes to finish the marathon at the Olympics. Generate at least 1000 samples in your sampling distribution and give the standard error of the sample means. need to understand how to solve thanks

yes Statistics please need help

To solve this problem, you need to use a tool called StatKey, specifically the "Sampling Distribution for a Mean" option. Here are the steps to create a sampling distribution using samples of size 10 from the given table:

1. Open StatKey: Go to the StatKey website (https://www.lock5stat.com/StatKey/) and click on the "StatKey App" button.

2. Input the data: In the "Data" field, enter the given list of minutes: 126.53, 127.27, 130, 130.35, 130.4, 130.58, 130.87, 131.18, 131.98, 132.55, 133.28, 133.42, 133.43, 133.55, 133.65, 134, 134.37, 134.62, 134.73, 135, 135.95, 136.12, 136.17, 136.23, 136.28, 137.7, 137.83, 137.93, 138.18, 138.25, 138.43, 138.67, 139.13, 139.72, 140.25, 140.38, 140.4, 140.42, 140.5, 141.27, 141.3, 141.85, 141.95, 142.72, 143.15, 143.33, 143.4, 143.78, 143.9, 143.95, 144.13, 144.32, 144.47, 144.8, 145.05, 145.18, 145.83, 146.48, 146.92, 147.28, 148.07, 148.23, 148.43, 148.67, 149.08, 149.47, 149.62, 149.92, 150.12, 150.43, 151.72, 152.58, 153.53, 155.1, 159.02, 161.13.

3. Generate sampling distribution: Click on the "Sampling Distribution for a Mean" option under "Distributions" in the toolbar.

4. Select options: In the dialog box that appears, enter "10" as the sample size (as we want samples of size 10 from the given data) and enter "1000" as the number of samples (we need at least 1000 samples for the question).

5. Generate results: Click on the "Generate Samples" button to generate the sampling distribution based on the specified options.

6. View standard error: Once the sampling distribution is generated, you can find the standard error of the sample means in the output. Look for the line that says "Standard Error" or "SE". This value represents the standard deviation of the sample means in the sampling distribution.

By following these steps using the StatKey tool, you will obtain the standard error of the sample means for the given data.