Which of the following most contributed to the rise of Sumer?

A. Farming**
B. Military Power
C. Isolated location
D. Trade

You are a young woman in Saudi Arabia. Which of these should you not plan to do?

A. Apply for a job outside the home**
B. Take a test for a drivers license
C. Talk to your brother about school options
D. Go with a female friend to pray at a mosque

1 A - yes

2 A - no

1 A

2 B

The correct answer is A. Apply for a job outside the home. Women in Saudi Arabia have traditionally faced restrictions on employment opportunities outside the home, although recent reforms have slowly been implemented to expand women's participation in the workforce.

To find the answer to the first question, we need to evaluate each option and determine which one contributed the most to the rise of Sumer.

A. Farming: Agriculture played a significant role in the rise of Sumer as it allowed people to settle in one place, form communities, and develop a surplus of food to sustain larger populations. This contributed to the growth and stability of Sumer.

B. Military Power: While military power is important for establishing and maintaining control over a region, it alone does not guarantee the rise of a civilization. So, while it might have been a factor in Sumer's development, it is not the most significant contributor.

C. Isolated location: Isolation could have offered protection from external threats, allowing a civilization to flourish. However, Sumer was located in an area with access to rivers, trade routes, and neighboring societies, which suggests it was not geographically isolated. Therefore, this option is not the most significant contributor.

D. Trade: Trade played a crucial role in the rise of Sumer. It allowed the Sumerians to establish connections with other cultures, exchange goods and ideas, and develop a prosperous economy. Additionally, trade brought wealth, cultural diversity, and technological advancements to Sumer.

Based on this analysis, option A, farming, seems to be the most significant contributor to the rise of Sumer.

As for the second question, it is important to note that as an AI, I don't have personal opinions or biases, but I can provide information.

Saudi Arabia has undergone various social and legal reforms in recent years, including granting women the right to drive and work outside the home. However, cultural norms and family traditions can influence individual choices.

Option A, applying for a job outside the home, is highlighted with '**', which suggests it is the activity a woman in Saudi Arabia should not plan to do. However, it is essential to consider the context and personal circumstances before making any assumptions. While some Saudi women pursue careers outside the home, others may choose different paths based on their preferences, goals, and family dynamics.

Ultimately, it is important to respect individual choices and the cultural diversity that exists within societies.