Create a Raptor Flowchart that calculates the amount a person would earn over a period

of time if his or her salary were five cents the first day, ten cents the second day, and so
on doubling each day.
Your program should:
1. Request the number of days.
2. Display a table showing what the salary is for each day
3. Display the total pay
Section 5.6 in "Starting Out With C++" gives a C++ example for displaying a table.
Section 5.7 discusses the use of an accumulator within a loop.
Once your Raptor flowchart executes correctly, upload your .rap file. Make sure your
name and assignment are on the flowchart in a comment.
Sample Output (inputs in bold)
Please enter the number of days you will be working? 5
Day Pay
1 0.05000
2 0.10000
3 0.2000
4 0.4000
5 0.8000
Your total pay is 1.5500

To create a Raptor Flowchart that calculates the amount a person would earn over a period of time if their salary were five cents the first day, ten cents the second day, and so on doubling each day, you can follow these steps:

1. Start the program by displaying a prompt message to the user asking for the number of days they will be working. Store the user's input in a variable.

Display "Please enter the number of days you will be working?"
Input days

2. Create a table header to display the day and pay information.

Display "Day Pay"
Display "==============="

3. Initialize an accumulator variable to keep track of the total pay.

Set totalPay = 0

4. Start a loop that iterates for the number of days entered by the user.

For i = 1 to days

5. Inside the loop, calculate the pay for each day by doubling the previous day's pay. Display the day number and the calculated pay.

Set pay = 0.05 * (2 ^ (i - 1))
Display i, pay

6. Add the calculated pay to the totalPay accumulator.

Set totalPay = totalPay + pay

7. End the loop.


8. Display the total pay.

Display "Your total pay is", totalPay

9. End the program.

The resulting flowchart should perform the above steps and provide the desired output.

Unfortunately, as a text-based AI, I am unable to directly create flowcharts or display tables. However, I can provide you with the step-by-step algorithm that you can use to create the Raptor flowchart manually. Here's the algorithm:

1. Start
2. Prompt the user to enter the number of days they will be working and store it in a variable, let's say "numDays."
3. Create a variable, let's say "salary," and set it to 0.05 (initial salary for day 1).
4. Create an empty string variable, let's say "table," to store the table data.
5. Create a variable, let's say "totalPay," and set it to 0 to keep track of the total pay.
6. Append the header row ("Day Pay") to the "table" variable.
7. Create a loop that iterates from 1 to "numDays" (inclusive).
8. Within the loop, append a row to the "table" variable consisting of the current day number and the current value of "salary" formatted to 5 decimal places.
9. Within the loop, add the current "salary" to "totalPay."
10. Within the loop, double the value of "salary" for the next day.
11. Exit the loop.
12. Append the total pay row to the "table" variable, consisting of "Total Pay" and the value of "totalPay" formatted to 5 decimal places.
13. Display the "table" variable.
14. Display the total pay message with the value of "totalPay" formatted to 5 decimal places.
15. Stop.

I hope this helps! Let me know if you have any further questions.