__________ regards pleasure as the ultimate good, but demands that we consider the pleasures and pains of others in our moral contemplations.

A. Use corruption
B. The felicity dilemma
C. Consequentialism
D. Social hedonism

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C. Consequentialism

The correct answer is C. Consequentialism.

To arrive at this answer, we can break down the options and look for clues within the question.

A. Use corruption - This option does not relate to pleasure as the ultimate good or considering the pleasures and pains of others. It is unrelated to the question, so we can eliminate it as a possible answer.

B. The felicity dilemma - This option does not fit the description provided in the question. The felicity dilemma refers to the conflict between individual happiness and the greater good, which is not the same as regarding pleasure as the ultimate good and considering the pleasures and pains of others.

C. Consequentialism - This option aligns with the description given in the question. Consequentialism is an ethical theory that regards pleasure as the ultimate good, but emphasizes the importance of considering the consequences of our actions on others. It suggests that the morality of an action should be judged based on the overall outcome or consequences it produces.

D. Social hedonism - This option does involve considering the pleasures and pains of others in moral contemplations, but it does not explicitly regard pleasure as the ultimate good. Social hedonism focuses on maximizing the overall happiness or well-being of society, rather than just individual pleasure as the ultimate good.

Therefore, based on the provided information, the correct answer is C. Consequentialism.