according to egyptian mythology horus son Kebehsenuef fit who has the head of a hawk. what characteristic might make Kebehsenuef fit for the job of watching a dead mummy vital organs?

A kind and caring heart
The keen eyes of a bird of pray ••
A tendency towards

Correct me please!

According to Egyptian mythology, Kebehsenuef is one of the four sons of the god Horus and is commonly depicted with the head of a hawk. Kebehsenuef is associated with the task of guarding and protecting a dead mummy's vital organs, specifically the intestines.

To determine which characteristic might make Kebehsenuef suitable for this job, we can evaluate the given options:

1. A kind and caring heart: While being kind and caring is usually considered a positive trait, it doesn't directly relate to the task of guarding organs.

2. The keen eyes of a bird of prey: This option aligns with the hawk-headed depiction of Kebehsenuef. Hawks have excellent eyesight, and their keen vision is useful for spotting potential dangers or threats, making them well-suited for the task of watching over valuable organs.

3. Ingenuity: While being inventive and resourceful can be advantageous in various situations, the connection to guarding organs specifically is not clear.

4. A tendency towards: The question seems to be incomplete, as the option may require further information to accurately determine its relevance.

Therefore, based on the information provided, the most suitable characteristic for the job of watching a dead mummy's vital organs would be "the keen eyes of a bird of prey."