PLEASE HELP!!! And if you know all the answers to the lesson that would be great!!!

There's 5 questions and the last one is a picture, just to make sure we are on the Same lesson.

Which statement is the best comparison of the symbolism behind Chinese in the Egyptians and lions?
A) both Egyptian and Chinese lines represent royalty
B) Chinese lines represent fear while Egyptian lions are symbolic of prosperity
C) Chinese and Egyptian lions both represent royalty, but only Egyptian lions represent the horizon
D) Chinese and Egyptian lions represent power, but only a Jipson lions represent royalty


100% correct

Is this Connections Academy?

trust me the one above is completely wrong if you are a 7th grader anonymous is correct. but if you are an 8th grader the one above is for you

Anonymous is correct thx

Anonymous is right not Loso Los

loso los is wrong

Destiny Schiess is that you? From connexus?!!!

What are the answers?

No I do Connexus and losing los is bad

Anonymous is right