In The Importance of Being Earnest, Jack and Algernon clearly have a preoccupation with food.

Discuss how food serves as a symbol for obedience to impulse and the pursuit of pleasure.

How does this symbol help Oscar Wilde to comment on and satirize society?

Any clues? I'm really stuck on this one. Please Help!?

Okay, That food is really important thing in life. ? is that good?

In the Importance of Being Earnest, food serves as a symbol of pleasure and impulse.

That looks like a start. But I have no idea what was in your lesson or assigned reading. I'll bet there's a lot more that your teacher wants you to discuss.

In the Importance of Being Earnest, food serves as a symbol of pleasure and impulse. Algernon eats all the cucumber sandwiches and muffins compulsively without thinking about the consequences.

To analyze how food serves as a symbol for obedience to impulse and the pursuit of pleasure in The Importance of Being Earnest and how it helps Oscar Wilde satirize society, start by examining the characters' attitudes and behaviors towards food, as well as the context in which these references are made.

1. Look for instances of characters indulging in food: Pay attention to scenes where characters express their cravings or desires for specific food items and observe whether they act impulsively on these desires. Analyze how their actions reveal their impulsive tendencies and their pursuit of pleasure.

2. Examine the symbolism of food: Consider the symbolic meaning behind the food choices made by the characters. For example, rich and extravagant food may represent the pursuit of pleasure and a willingness to indulge in hedonistic impulses. Conversely, plain and simple food choices may symbolize discipline and restraint.

3. Connect the symbol of food to Wilde's commentary on society: Explore how the characters' preoccupation with food reflects the broader societal values and expectations of the time. Consider whether their behavior and attitudes toward food are emblematic of a society that prioritizes pleasure and instant gratification over self-control and moral responsibilities.

4. Identify instances of exaggeration and absurdity: Oscar Wilde often relied on exaggeration and absurdity to satirize societal norms and conventions. Look for instances where the characters' obsession with food becomes excessive or magnified to the point of caricature. Consider how these exaggerated portrayals highlight the follies and absurdities of societal values, norms, and expectations.

5. Analyze dialogue and wordplay: Pay attention to the witty and humorous dialogue surrounding food-related discussions. Look for puns, double entendres, or subversive wordplay that subtly critique societal attitudes towards indulgence and pleasure-seeking.

By closely examining the characters' attitudes towards food, the symbolism behind those depictions, and how these elements contribute to Wilde's satirical commentary on society, you should be able to build a strong analysis of how food serves as a symbol for impulse and pleasure in The Importance of Being Earnest.

JJ/Breanna L -- please use the same name for your posts.

What do you think about this topic? What have you learned from your reading?