a recipe calls for 2 cups of flour to make 3 dozen cookies. Is 3 cups of flour enough to make 60 cookies? explain.

2 cups / 36 cookies = x cups/ 60 cookies

2/3 = x/5

Cross multiply and solve for x.

To determine if 3 cups of flour is enough to make 60 cookies, we need to compare the ratio of flour to cookies in the given recipe.

The original recipe states that 2 cups of flour are required to make 3 dozen cookies. Since there are 12 cookies in a dozen, this means the recipe yields 3 x 12 = 36 cookies. Thus, the ratio of flour to cookies in the original recipe is 2 cups : 36 cookies.

To find out if 3 cups of flour is sufficient for 60 cookies, we need to calculate the ratio of flour to cookies in this case. Since there are 12 cookies in a dozen, 60 cookies would be equal to 60 / 12 = 5 dozen cookies.

Now, while the number of cookies has changed, the ratio of flour to cookies should remain the same. So, we can set up a proportion to solve for the unknown amount of flour needed for 60 cookies:

2 cups of flour / 36 cookies = x cups of flour / 60 cookies

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply and then divide:

2 cups of flour * 60 cookies = 36 cookies * x cups of flour

120 cups of flour = 36x

Dividing both sides of the equation by 36, we have:

x = 120 / 36

x ≈ 3.33 cups

From this calculation, we can conclude that approximately 3.33 cups of flour are needed to make 60 cookies. Since we only have 3 cups of flour, it may not be enough to make the full batch of 60 cookies. You might need to obtain more flour in order to make the desired amount of cookies.