Which of the following makes the equation true?

7t + 26=61

( 3,5,7,9,)

Subtract 26 from both sides.

Then divide both sides by 7.

Ok thank u :)

You're welcome.


To find which value from the given options makes the equation true, we need to substitute each value into the equation and see if it satisfies the equation.

Let's substitute the first value, t = 3, into the equation:
7*t + 26 = 61
7*3 + 26 = 61
21 + 26 = 61
47 = 61

Since 47 is not equal to 61, the equation is not true when t = 3.

Now, let's substitute the second value, t = 5, into the equation:
7*t + 26 = 61
7*5 + 26 = 61
35 + 26 = 61
61 = 61

Since 61 is equal to 61, the equation is true when t = 5.

Therefore, the value t = 5 makes the equation true.

To further verify, let's check the other two options:

Substituting t = 7:
7*t + 26 = 61
7*7 + 26 = 61
49 + 26 = 61
75 = 61

Since 75 is not equal to 61, the equation is not true when t = 7.

Substituting t = 9:
7*t + 26 = 61
7*9 + 26 = 61
63 + 26 = 61
89 = 61

Since 89 is not equal to 61, the equation is not true when t = 9.

Therefore, the only value that makes the equation true is t = 5.