Which of the following sentences is punctuated correctly?

A. After you sign the agreement it is too late of course, to change your mind.
B. After you sign the agreement, it is too late of course to change your mind.
C. After you sign the agreement, it is too late, of course, to change your mind.
D. After you sign the agreement, it is too late, of course to change your mind

I think C

option "D"

Sharon, you are correct. The dannystein person is not.

Correct! Sentence C is punctuated correctly.

To determine the correct punctuation, we need to consider the rules of punctuating introductory phrases and parenthetical commas.

After identifying the introductory phrase "After you sign the agreement," which provides background information, we need to separate it from the main clause using a comma.

Next, we encounter the phrase "of course," which adds emphasis or provides additional information. It is set off by commas to indicate that it is a parenthetical element within the sentence.

Finally, we have the last part of the sentence, "to change your mind." There is no need for any additional punctuation here.

Therefore, sentence C ("After you sign the agreement, it is too late, of course, to change your mind") is punctuated correctly according to the standard rules of punctuation.