what is the percent of change: from 45 ft. to 92 ft.

To find the percent of change from 45 ft to 92 ft, you can use the following formula:

Percent of change = (new value - old value) / old value * 100

So, applying this formula to your numbers:

Percent of change = (92 - 45) / 45 * 100

Simplifying further:

Percent of change = 47 / 45 * 100

Finally, calculating:

Percent of change = 104.44%

Therefore, the percent of change from 45 ft to 92 ft is approximately 104.44%.

To find the percent of change from 45 ft to 92 ft, you'll need to follow these steps:

Step 1: Calculate the difference between the two values.
Difference = New Value - Old Value
Difference = 92 ft - 45 ft
Difference = 47 ft

Step 2: Calculate the percent change by dividing the difference by the old value and multiplying by 100.
Percent Change = (Difference / Old Value) * 100
Percent Change = (47 ft / 45 ft) * 100
Percent Change ≈ 104.44%

Therefore, the percent of change from 45 ft to 92 ft is approximately 104.44%.

92/45 = x%/100

From 45 ft to 92 ft